Client Feedback | Parker & Crowther Vets
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Parker & Crowther Vets Complaints Procedure

If our service has fallen short of your expectations we would like to thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. We take any complaint made to us seriously and reflect on them to improve the quality of our service for all our customers.

For clarity and for us to fully understand the nature of your complaint we ask that you make the complaint in writing (to either the email or postal address below). Address the letter to the ‘Clinical Director (Philip Lauder)’.

Please give details of your pet and the event or situation that you wish to complain about, try to include as much detail as possible (times, dates, etc.). It is also helpful if you indicate how you wish us to resolve your complaint.

Practice Contact Details:

Daleside Veterinary Surgery, 309-311 Liverpool Road, Birkdale, Southport, PR8 3DE

Email :

We will send you an acknowledgment of your complaint and give you a timeframe to expect our reply, this is typically 2 weeks. This period gives us an opportunity to investigate the case fully, including reviewing all the clinical notes and interviewing all of the team involved in the episode in question.

In our reply we will outline the facts of the case, how we propose to resolve your complaint and what steps we will put in place to prevent the same problem from occurring again.

Unfortunately, on occasion we may not be able to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction and in such circumstances, you may wish to have your complaint reviewed by the senior management within our company:

Complaints Manager,


Spitfire House, Aviator Court, York YO30 4UZ

and/or you may also wish to complain to our professional regulator:

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Belgravia House, 62-64 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2AF