Pet Surgery in Merseyside | Parker & Crowther Vets
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At Parker and Crowther we are proud to offer surgery.

We perform most of our routine surgeries at each of branches.

If a surgery requires imaging, or is more advanced we may ask you to travel to dedicated theatre at our Daleside branch.


We offer:

  • Routine neutering (castration, spay) of dogs, cats and rabbits
  • Non routine neutering for undescended testicles
  • Soft tissue surgery such as skin biopsies, gut, bladder surgery
  • Eye removal (enucleation)
  • Ear cleaning
  • Dentals (tooth extractions).
  • Simple hernia repair

Here are some useful information relating to what to expect when you come for surgery at P & C, and some general post operative advice.


We also offer Orthopaedic surgery. Our senior Vet Philip Lauder performs

  • Simple fracture repairs
  • Cruciate surgery (see Phil’s cruciate leaflet for more information (add link to download a pdf) , or better still speak to Phil.)
    • (lateral suture, Tibial tuberosity Transposition (TTA), Cranial Wedge Tibal levelling plateau osteotomy (CCWO)
  • Luxating Patella surgery
  • Femoral Neck Head Osteotomy (FNHE)

In addition Philip Lauder has experience with total ear canal ablation, perineal hernia repair, corneal graft (to repair deep corneal ulcers).

If your pet requires a certain type of surgery or you have ANY question relating to a surgery please feel free to ask any of our team and we will be happy to help.